About Us

Founder & Board Member

Laurie Schwartz

Laurie has a big heart for helping the less fortunate. Her fondness for children (having raised four of her own) and appreciation for the abundance in America drives her with a sense of urgency to bring clean water and the gospel message of redemption to those less fortunate.
Co-Founder & Board Member

Ernest Schwartz

Ernest, husband to Laurie, is a commercial roofing contractor by trade. During the off-season, Ernest enjoys taking his pet project, Bessie, to truck pulls across the country. His business management experience continues to bless Laurie’s vision of bringing clean water to more children.

Secretary & Board Member

Edith Lambright

Edith has many years of experience as a professional tax accountant. In the past, she also managed a Subway franchise and operated her own daycare while successfully raising their three children. She brings lots of management value to the organization with her business acumen.
Board Member

Owen Shrock

Owen is a serial entrepreneur with a passion for serving the less fortunate. Since being a teenager, Owen has been involved in direct response marketing and event production, bringing his wealth of knowledge to help bring more sponsors, partnerships, and support to the organization.
Contact Us For Info
From Your Wallet to Their Wells

Keep In Touch

Join Simple Faith Ministries in this noble cause. Together, we can bring the gift of clean water to those who have been waiting, nurturing a future where every person has the chance to thrive, fueled by faith, hope, and love. Let’s make a difference, one drop at a time.

Our Mission

Our mission is to ensure everyone in Mozambique has access to clean, safe water. We dream of a future where water scarcity is history, and communities thrive with the foundation of health and opportunity that only clean water can provide. Through partnerships, innovation, and the generous support of our donors, we commit to turning this vision into reality, one well at a time. Together, we are not just delivering water; we are nurturing hope, health, and the promise of a brighter future for all.
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Help us help those in need!
Help us help those in need!


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Every Drop Counts, Every Life Matters