HOpe for Mozambique

Simple Faith Ministries

Repairing & Drilling water Wells In Mozambique
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•Annual fundraiser at SmarterRoofer Conference
•Annual fundraiser at Simple Faith Ministries
Clean Water Is A Necessity, Not A Luxury

We Are Building Water Wells in Mozambique, Africa

Every day, young girls, mothers, and sons face the daunting task of finding water—a basic necessity that remains out of reach for people in Mozambique, Africa. But with your generous support, we can lift this heavy burden together.

Imagine a world where access to clean, safe water isn’t a luxury, but a given. This is the world Simple Faith Ministries strives to create for the communities in Mozambique, Africa. Our mission is not just about providing water; it’s about restoring time for education, work, and dreams. As a licensed and registered nonprofit organization, we’re committed to transforming the lives of orphans, widows, and impoverished families by offering them the simplest yet most vital resource: clean water.

By drilling new wells and repairing existing ones, we do more than quench physical thirst—we ignite hope, health, and endless possibilities for those who need it most. Our commitment to end water crisis in Mozambique is fueled by a deep belief in service, compassion, and the transformative power of kindness. Through our efforts, we aspire to brighten the lives of many in Mozambique with the promise of clean water and the joy it brings.

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From Your Wallet to Their Wells

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Join Simple Faith Ministries in this noble cause. Together, we can bring the gift of clean water to those who have been waiting, nurturing a future where every person has the chance to thrive, fueled by faith, hope, and love. Let’s make a difference, one drop at a time.
dollars raised in 2023

About Us

Simple Faith Ministries is a registered and recognized non-governmental organization, annually mobilizing tens of thousands of dollars towards combating one of the most pressing challenges in Mozambique, Africa: the scarcity of clean water. This scarcity compels communities to undertake arduous journeys to fetch water, often spanning several miles. Such treks consume valuable time and expose individuals, particularly women and children, to various hazards, significantly impacting education and economic opportunities.

Adding to this dilemma is the issue of well maintenance; numerous wells cease functioning properly due to a lack of repair, leaving communities without access to clean water once again. Addressing these critical issues, Simple Faith Ministries implements sustainable water projects that focus on drilling new wells and ensuring their ongoing maintenance. We strive to provide a lasting solution to water scarcity, ensuring that access to clean, safe water is a sustained reality and not just a temporary relief.

Laurie Schwartz 2024 profile
Laurie Schwartz

Founder & Board Member

Ernest Schwartz

Co-Founder & Board Member

Edith Lambright

Secretary & Board Member

Owen Shrock

Board Member

Our Mission

Our mission is to ensure everyone in Mozambique has access to clean, safe water. We dream of a future where water scarcity is history, and communities thrive with the foundation of health and opportunity that only clean water can provide. Through partnerships, innovation, and the generous support of our donors, we commit to turning this vision into reality, one well at a time. Together, we are not just delivering water; we are nurturing hope, health, and the promise of a brighter future for all.
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Every Drop Counts, Every Life Matters
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Build Water Well
Every Drop Counts, Every Life Matters

How DO Your Donations Make a Difference?

The challenges Mozambique faces due to water scarcity are immense, compounded by the devastating effects of climate change and extreme weather events like cyclones and floods. The aftermath of Cyclones Idai and Kenneth is a stark reminder of the vulnerability of water infrastructure and the critical need for sustainable water solutions. Your donations play a pivotal role in transforming this situation. Here’s how your support creates a ripple effect of positive change

Donations for Mozambique help rebuild water wells damaged by natural disasters and strengthen them against future calamities, ensuring communities have reliable access to clean water.
Access to clean water near homes means women and girls spend less time fetching water, reducing their exposure to potential violence and opening up opportunities for education and economic participation. Your donations directly contribute to breaking the cycle of poverty and empowering half of the population towards a brighter future.
Clean water reduces the prevalence of waterborne diseases, improving community health. Donations fund the construction and maintenance of wells and sanitation facilities, ensuring that clean water is not just a temporary relief but a permanent fixture.
With reduced burdens of water collection and improved health, children, especially girls, can attend school more regularly, laying the foundation for better educational outcomes and long-term economic opportunities.
Your donations for Mozambique fosters community-led initiatives, where locals are trained in water management and maintenance, promoting sustainability and self-reliance.
Contributions also support the use of environmentally friendly technologies and practices in water projects, ensuring that solutions are sustainable and harmonious with the local ecosystem.
Each donation, no matter the size, contributes to a cascade of benefits that extend far beyond the immediate provision of water. Together, we are not just solving a water crisis; we are building the foundation for healthier, more resilient, and prosperous communities in Mozambique.
Help us help those in need!

About Mozambique, Africa

Mozambique, located on the southeast coast of Africa, is a country of striking beauty and diverse cultures, but it also faces significant challenges, particularly when it comes to water scarcity. With a population of over 30 million, many of its people live in rural areas where access to clean and safe water is not just limited; it’s often non-existent. This scarcity is not merely about convenience; it’s a matter of survival, deeply affecting health, education, and economic development across communities. Approximately half of Mozambique’s population lacks access to improved water sources, and the numbers are even more dire in rural regions. The lack of clean water contributes to a cycle of poverty and disease, with waterborne illnesses such as cholera and diarrhea being major health concerns. The World Bank reports that only about 47% of the population had access to at least basic water services as of recent years, underscoring the critical need for improvement.